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boys have feelings too?
4.10.09 @ 00:01

Let talk about boys. A favorite subject for many of us. We love them and then we hate them but of course we love them again. It’s so much fun isn’t it? Boys make our dreams more interesting our conversations more lively and our hearts more fragile. They can be difficult to figure out (as if we’re not) and they don’t ever seem to be concerned about what we’re thinking. Depending on your state of mind the subject of boys can put a smile on your face or cause you throw something heavy and damage causing at your wall (or your brother).

I have it on good authority from my secret insider that boys actually are not as difficult as we may think and (wait for it) they have feelings just like we do. Hmm. Interesting thought. Right? Feelings? Real , catch in the throat, got something in the eye feelings?

Yep they sure do and not only do they share our human emotions (just when you thought you were dealing with an alien race) they also care what we think of them. They can hide it well but the evidence is there. At a certain age boys begin to…hmm how can I say this nicely? They start to stew in their own body broth. Not a pleasant experience especially if you happen to sit behind someone like this in class. For a while boys seem disinterested in taking proactive action toward this new odious development. Then- and dont’ miss the signifigance-they start to shower on a regular basis. Why? Because a certain girl has caught their attention. And all on their own or with the help of generous mother they deduct that body odour; good or bad makes a difference. We’re talking animal planet basics here. The nice smelling ape always gets the girl. More evidence that boys care what we think of them? This is a good one. A real gem. The kind of advice you will only find here. Too bad my readership is nonexistence. Moving on…it’s the way boys go on about whatever hobbies they have. Maybe some of you care about a high level on war craft or a new skateboard technique but most of us don’t. It doesnt’ matter, boys talk about these things to tell us about thier lives. What interests them. The girls who appreciates these nugets of information are the ones that have plans on the weekend. Keep in mind the tender, but disguised hearts of boys can be hurt. The next time you are about to break up on msn or facebook; reconsider. They care. It will hurt them. If your thinking of going out with a guy just because he showed interest; DON’T. Make sure your feelings are sincere or, it will hurt them. If you are going to break up with your boyfriend make sure you dont’ discuss it with any one else but him. Spreading the news through your chain of friends is lame and cruel. How would you feel if you found out your boyfriend wasnt’ into you anymore from his friends?


the revelations of a body hater
3.10.09 @ 08:32

Yesterday I stood in front of my mirror NAKED for 10 minutes. It wasn’t easy. In fact in was near suffering. But I pulled through and triumphed. I can actually live to tell about my experience. For my loyal readers, (Rrezarta) you might wonder why this topic is a recurring one. The first reason: this is my blog and it happens to be a recurring theme in my own life. Secondly: I believe too many of us girls struggle more than we let on and no one seems to care.
Is any one wondering why I’m naked in front of my mirror? Its a healing technique I do when my body starts to get me down. A good friend taught it to me and she was brilliant because it really works. There was a time that I could not have done this. Back when the mirror was not my friend and it lied to me. I’m now able to stand in front of a mirror sans clothes. For ten minutes. An eternity. You are meant to record all the positive things you see. For anyone about to argue and say they wouldn’t be able to see anything positive that is the whole point of the exercise. Find the positives. The first time I did this the only thing on my list was my teeth. Gradually the list began to grow. I am a “former” body hater but there are days that I seem to relapse and it makes me wonder if I will ever be truly free. I try to remember these words, “you are a slave to whatever controls you" I want to live a life of freedom. That is my right and that is my choice. Last thought: if anyone decides to try the whole mirror/naked thing learn from my mistakes and…LOCK THE DOOR.
