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because we need food, not bombs.
13.6.10 @ 17:26

“Because food is a RIGHT not a privilege! Because there is enough food for everyone to eat! Because scarcity is a LIE! Because a woman should not have to use her body to get a meal, or to have a place to sleep! Because when we are hungry or homeless, we have the right to get what we need by panning, busking, or squatting. Because poverty is a form of VIOLENCE, not necessary or natural. Because capitalism makes food a form of profit, not a source of nutrition. Because food grows on trees. Because we need COMMUNITY not control. Because we need Homes, not Jails. Because we need food, not bombs.” (source)

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as they live with closed eyes.
9.6.10 @ 23:02

It is right in front of your face. Major disappointment in the human race as they live with closed eyes, and settle for living a life that is determined after rolling the dice. These huge business officials that rule the world are not your friends, so please quit playing dead.

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the stench of a bad attitude;
@ 19:19

I cannot claim to be innocent from this crime though I do try to be aware of the problem. You see I used to struggle with this on a regular basis before someone wise told me that our attitude determines our altitude. We can only go as far as our own minds will allow us. Okay this sounds a bit like a lecture but my intention is not to brow beat anyone just to enlighten. It is easy to let our circumstances beat us down. Oh boy is it ever. Last year I had some rough moments. The key is not staying in that dark room pouting and bemoaning life. Throw open the curtains and let the light in. Shadows have a way of playing havic with our imaginations. We see things around us that appear scary and threatening but with a little bit of light the monsters go away. You are NEVER alone. Ever. It is the greatest lie we can tell ourselves; that no one cares-no one is interested. It’s a lie that lures too many to an early grave. I believe in a creator that has an invested purpose in our lives. Spouting disbelief is a right we all have but it can be compared to a simple anology. A little ceramic cup crafted into existence by capable and experienced hands jumps from the masters table. It believes only in itself. Rather than be used in the manner it was created for the little cup never knows its purpose and thinks it was created accidently. It tries to be a plate and a spoon-a fork and a book. Sadly the cup never feels satisfied and wonders what the point is. All the while the creator is coaxing his prized creation back to the table only to be ignored. You can’t see what you refuse to believe in. Good Advice: before leaving the house sniff your pits. If the odor is ripe put on deodorant. More good advice: if your struggling and falling deeper into that familiar pit check your attitude. If it stinks spray on the uplifting fragance of change.
