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27.2.10 @ 13:26

happy |ˈhapē|
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

Whether it be a great beginning from a rough end or a compliment on ones shoes; Happiness is something we need, strive for. Finding your happiness is like finding your inner chi, breathing in the calm after a storm, taking the first bite off of that cadbury cream chocolate youve been craving, or held your breathe to find an even better surprise than you expected. Grade-A top quality happiness is hard to come by and is only served to those who truly dine for it. So instead of moping around, stick your head out the window and draw off the stench of that bad attitude in exchange for fresh out-the-oven-happiness. Dine yourself. Do something you love with the people you love or find time to do those things you've always, but never had time, to do. Now's the time you can. Now's the time you should. I myself am feeling happy and I'm going to spend my day painting like the mad artist i am, blast the very best of Bryan Adams, maybe paint my toenails. It's going to be a good day.


I blog, therefore I am?
25.2.10 @ 20:21

I've been thinking a tad deeper thoughts nowadays, and my guesses are its mostly due to the crazy increase in dreams I've been having. One struck me quite forcefully, literally cuffed me on the head one night and I've been questioning it ever since a huge knob appeared on the side of my skull: Is there a way to prove you are existing? If so, what are we fighting for and why do we bother? These senses are not always reliable they can be deceived. Maybe I'm not existing, maybe I'm simply a pigment of someone's imagination. I mean, I'm aware of this present moment, I can see myself typing these words...although my current reality may as well be insanity.

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too much information about back fat?
16.2.10 @ 20:20

So I put on this great halter top the other day and it was red. I love red. Even better I love how red looks on me. Fabulous. I left the house and was happily riding shotgun thinking how great I looked when I happened a glance in the mirror at the side of the car. My God! It was not a pretty sight. Back fat never is. After a few gulping breaths to calm down I inspected myself with different angles. It was a total train wreck. There is nothing like a little (or a lot) of unnecessary, offensive skin bulging in all the wrong places. I was horrified. When did this happen to me. Was it the mcdonalds excursion last week or the creamy dill chips the other day? I immediately let the old, shaggy blanket of depression settle around me like an old lady in a frayed shawl. This was not unfamiliar. At least once a month (eye roll) I feel this way. I was nearly fully wrapped up in my nasty shawl when my guy says “self hatred like that is really unattractive”. Well I’m not too proud to admit my first reaction was to hit him. I didn’t. I opened my mouth to shoot off something hatefully witty when it dawned on me he was right. Hmm. What a novel thought. He was right. My reaciton was more ugly than the extra flesh cropping up under my armpits like corn in August.
So I went home and changed bras. No more back fat. More importantly I actually learned something. All it takes is one small thing to turn a positive into negative. We all remember the insults we’ve had more than the compliments. Hey I was told in grade eight that I was as ugly as a nine year old boy. Never forgotten it. Ever. Amongst the praise and compliments now (and I sure look hotter than a gangly nine year old boy) I always hear that one negative.
Next time life throws back fat at you go home and change your bra. Now why haven’t I been invited to speak on Oprah yet? You don’t hear advice like that every day.


please do not feed the model.
11.2.10 @ 19:15

Discovering the Self-Esteem Within to Withstand
Glamour magazines should all carry a bold message on their front cover: WARNING IMAGES ARE NOT REAL AND MAY CAUSE PERMANENT SELF ESTEEM ISSUES. This of course will never happen because such magazines rely on their loyal readership. The truth is that beauty and teen magazines employ the finest of artists adept in the subtle art of airbrushing images to resemble perfection. It is not a secret that this shady business occurs. The real mystery is how many girls still allow their eyes to dictate reality and truth.
A Staff of Beauty experts:
Any person represented in a magazine (any magazine) has spent hours in a chair being suitably pampered and polished. It would be a breeze to look your most incredible if you had your own posse of professionals whose paid job was to make it happen.
Models are a Rare Breed:
Consider the women in the magazines. Most models in the industry are 98% thinner than the average woman. It is their job to be as thin as humanly possible. Forget that second helping of dessert or any helping for that matter. The life of a model is extreme and when their glory days are over they typically join the rest of the population and live at a healthier weight. After all you can’t say no to chocolate forever.
No one is Perfect:
Four out of five women claim to be unhappy with their bodies. And another comparison survey of 53 models revealed that even the paid to be glamorous ones struggle with self-esteem. Whether it is crooked teeth or a wiggly bum everyone has something they deem imperfect; even supermodels, hence the airbrushing.
Take the ten/ten challenge
It’s time to embrace who you are and all you have to offer. Take the time to look yourself over in a mirror for at least 10 minutes. When the time is up write down 10 things you liked about yourself. Check the list everyday and add to when inspired.
Keep Things in Perspective
Only 7% of girls have a chance of being as slim as a catwalk model and only 1% as thin as a supermodel. Still, 69% of girls say magazines influence their perspective of what the perfect body looks like. Do yourself a favour and put away the magazines and look to the mirror to formulate your opinion of an ideal body.


authenticity or hypocricy… somedays i just can’t decide
7.2.10 @ 15:16

I find myself thinking one thing only to say another. Or saying something and doing the opposite. Does anyone live an authentic life or is everyone cardboard? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered who stared back at you? Am I the only one who feels like a stranger in her own body? Is it possible? How lonely.
I want to say I love you when the thought enters my head. I want to tell that girl how much better she would look if she cut her hair. I don’t like my mom’s eyeshadow. I think I want to be famous. I don’t want to shop with mroe than one friend at a time and I like going to the movies by myself. I am a shell of thoughts and feelings with no core to anchor me. Where is truth? What happened to authenticity?
I know the secret. I’ve met people who live out thier lives with genuine feeling. They have a decided heart and live each moment with the knowledge their destiny is assured. How wonderful, yet it seems so unattainable. If you fear the criticism of others your life will reflect your insecurities.
My purpose lay before me. A becon in my shuttered life. Will I dare step out and claim my confidence? Perhaps if I repeat this mantra:
To avoid the criticism of others, be nothing and do nothing.
