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small sabotages.
8.12.09 @ 17:40

Woke up yesterday with a pimple on my chin. Right below my lip. Its the kind of zit that makeup glides off of. Nothing will cover it. This pimple has an energy force around it protecting it from any measures put forth to destroy it. I hate it. Even when I’m not looking directly at it in a mirror I can still feels its presence. Like an ex-boyfriend that still thinks we’re friends.
Other than this one skin blemish my face is clear. From the lips up I’m my beautiful self. If I were to hold my water glass just so…no one would even notice.

Anyway, i had a point here! We can have everything all lined up nicely in our lives only to have one thing sabotage it. Like the pimple now settling in for an extended vacation on my face. I woke up in a cheerful mood. Happy with life. Ready to get things done. I even hummed something resembling a song. Then I saw the pimple and sadly (I’m not too proud to admit this) my spirits drifted downward until I was firmly planted on the dusty, desert grounds of negativity.
Its easy to focus on the red dot in front of us when we’re standing too close to the picture. All it takes is a step backward to see the entire canvas. If something feels too big to handle and you’re overwelmed step back a bit and look again. Re asses the situation and look for new ways to solve whatever dilema you find yourself in. Listen I’m not just going to let this pimple have its way with me. I plan on taking immediate action. It may mean I try a few things that don’t work and thats okay. I’ll keep trying. No Zit is safe on my face. I’ll sleep with an entire tube of toothpaste on my face (heard that works) before I just accept my rebellious skin.
